
Northbrook, IL Spousal Support Attorney

Protecting Your Assets and Rights with our North Shore Alimony Lawyer

Homemakers often fear that if they get divorced, their lifestyle will change drastically for the worse. Working people who make far less than their spouses often have the same fear. This can feel like a huge barrier to getting divorced, even if you are unhappy in your marriage. Abusive spouses often use financial control to keep their partners trapped in a marriage. If you are in the position of wanting a divorce and feeling financially trapped, spousal support laws might be of great benefit to you. In some cases, your spouse could be ordered to continue financially supporting you after the divorce.

Sucharski Law Firm LLC is used to working with homemakers, stay-at-home parents, and older or disabled adults who are likely to need alimony in order to meet their basic needs after the divorce. Our goal is to win you the spousal support you will need to maintain the lifestyle you enjoyed during the marriage as closely as possible. We will try to work with your spouse in order to establish spousal support by agreement, but we are happy to force the issue in court if need be.

Am I Eligible for Alimony?

The longer you were married and the more difficult it would be for you to reenter the workforce, the more likely you are to receive alimony if your case goes to court. Some of the factors the court would consider include:

  • Length of marriage - If you were out of the workforce during your long marriage, you are more likely to get alimony.
  • Contributions to spouse's earnings - For example, if you supported your spouse through medical school so they could earn a doctor's salary, this may be a consideration in determining eligibility for spousal support.
  • Your age and health - If you are older or have health issues or disabilities that make it hard for you to maintain employment, the court might see a greater need for spousal support.
  • Each party's financial position - The court will want to review what assets you and your spouse each have in your own name and what marital property you are keeping in order to determine whether alimony payments are fair.
  • Child custody arrangements - If you are caring for a child with disabilities or serious medical needs, the court may not expect you to go back to work.
  • Standard of living - Your lifestyle should remain comparable after the divorce to what you were used to during your marriage.
  • Prenuptial agreement - If you have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that covers alimony, that contract will likely control whether you can receive it. However, if the terms of your marital agreement would leave you destitute, it is not likely to be enforced.
  • Ability to pay - The court does need to consider the higher-earning spouse's ability to make alimony payments. In some cases, the working spouse may barely earn enough to support their own household, and they may only be able to pay very little in the way of support.
  • Time needed to start work - In some cases, alimony is awarded on a temporary basis to give the nonworking spouse time to get the job training they need. This is often called rehabilitative alimony, as it is meant to support the recipient while they go to school or attend a vocational program.

It is also important to note that child support and spousal support are entirely separate issues. However, child custody arrangements may have an impact on whether one party needs alimony. It is important to speak with an attorney who can give you specific advice pertaining to your own case.

Contact a North Shore Spousal Support Attorney

Sucharski Law Firm LLC is committed to providing the best representation possible to people who are in need of spousal support. Our caring Northbrook spousal support lawyers will do all we can to make sure you will have everything you need to maintain your lifestyle after your divorce. Contact us at 224-268-9446 to receive a complimentary consultation.

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